BPMDS Potluck In The Park
Alphabet Soup
August 26, 2011

Like the songs says, "Oh What A Night!" (no, not followed by, "Sweet surrender back in '63...") But fun it was as the Bubb Park Mothers & Dogs Society assembled for a special, fun filled evening. It seemed like everyone who had been out and about all summer was back ready for another school year, brimming with smiles, and good cheer for all.

A special thanks to Karen Price for her terrific theme: Alphabet Soup. For a month before the event, as dog walkers and playground moms met, the kidding was what to bring. Suggestions like "Yak Butter" for Wendy Yee were par for the course. the creativity flowed and you can see the various dishes below.

Also special for the evening was our ability to recognize and give a round of appreciation to two groups who are special to our neighborhood. First, two of our beloved 5th grade Bubb School teachers in the forms of Gayle Dyer and Kim Thompson (who we forgive for going on to become Principal of Graham Middle School and turning it into a magnet for talented kids.)

And second, two very special guys whose job it is to watch our backs: Lynn Brown, Office of Emergency Services Coordinator and Jerry Haag, Amateur Radio (Ham) Emergency Coordinator for Mountain View. Lynn runs and teaches the CERT classes for the City, and has frequently been the Incident commander for past Santa Clara County CERT exercises and is the senior member of the County's Emergency Managers Association. Jerry, in addition to keeping Mountain View's 60+ Hams primed and ready for emergencies, is President of SPECS, the Southern Peninsula Emergency Communication Services organization. SPECS holds WEEKLY test call-ins at 2000 hours EVERY Monday night and also operates and maintains the primary Ham repeater station (WASH 145.270 MHZ) serving north county Hams and it's located at El Camino Hospital. If you are a Ham, or know one and would like to hear the fun, tune in any Monday night. Really great to be able to say thanks to these two special guys who are ready to help when the stuff hits the fan!

And since this is, after all, Silicon Valley, no summary would probably be complete without some statistics on this great event. We had 38 BPMDS families represented, with 63 adults and 40 children, making 104 folks present, plus Lynn & Jerry make 106.

OK Teak, I'll add the dog count too, yes I DO remember the name includes dogs. We had 15 (in Ham speak, "Numerals one, five") canines present and accounted for. Napoleon Benny, and Chancellor Chelsea did their share of provoking spirited Scooter and Elliot into vocal discussions but, like Congress, no physical harm was done. Newcomer Harvey (Miller) was at first a bit awed by it all, but then fit right in. So, we've always said, there are 18 trees that dogs can guard. Some of the above were assigned guard duty to various benches and trees, so all was well.

So that about wraps it up for this edition of BPMDS fun. We've done our best to get it right, but corrections, additions (and deletion requests?) will be entertained: Email Rick.

P.S. On Saturday morning the music device in the last picture was found on the bench where the World Peace gals were sitting. Who does it belong to?

Cheng Hao Cathy Kai Jin      
Christopherson/Gorgen Dianne David Wil     Benny Chips & Guacamole
Cooper Kathy           Killer Cookies!
D'Antonio Kimm Tony Cruz Eva     hot Dogs & spinach Artichoke dip
Dyer   Gayle          
Escober Becky Gil Mason Julia      
Evans Doug Terri Kendra Samantha     Edamame
Freiha Amy Selim Samir Ramsey Nabil Roxy & Beau Fruit Platter
Galli Diantha Jerome Samuel Joseph     Grapes
Hilberg Gabriele   Sophia Sears Mira Sears   Cocoa & Hershey  
Hill/Bashir Nancy Shahzad Zakriya       Pesto Pasta & Roasted Chicken
Ighanian Fariba Safdar         Masala  (Indian)
Jacob George            
Kahan/Safran Michael Gabriella Eva Frieda     Saffron-Infused Sweet Kagel
Kark Vera         Norabell Kucumbers!
Kundrat Debbie Doug Lizzy       Kundrat Kale & DeSoto Dill Pickles
Lehner Chris Pam         Lehner Leftovers! Pizza & Donuts
Lighthall Geoff Jean Sara Rachel   Little Bear  
Lynch Penny Paul Amy Ciaran Corey   Lemon Chicken
Martin Susanne Erroin         Basil & Mozzarella Pizza
Michaels/Jones Carol David Melisa Michael   Elliot Meatballs & Jasmine Rice
Miller Elyse Scott Sarah Trevor   Harvey Melon, Cantalope & Water
Millet/McDonald Tim Page Tatum Payton   Scooter Melon Medley
Patterson   Jenny Ryan Jacob Julia Ann     Petit Peach Pies
Penafiel   Hugo          
Peterson Kris Scott Ben Owen     Pasta
Peterson Sandy Craig       Morgan Pizza, Greek
Price Karen           Pineapple Pasta
Sajfr Marcela            
Sloan/Stahl Janet Peter   Allegra     Spinach Slad
Sokoloff/Brown Randi Jeff Zoe Mira   Molly Brownies
Strotman Doreta           Salad - Cucumber
Theil Niki Jeremy Eric Andy     Tabouli & Tzatsiki
Thompson Kim            
Van Mell Rick Sandy       Teak Vegetable Medley
Woodbridge Michelle Scott       Olivia White Cheese
Woolley Richard         Chelsea Water Crackers
Zlateva Svetla           Chicken
Brown Lynn            
Haag Jerry            
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I made this ...
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yeah, right!
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Kimm's OK
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Terri too.
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New canine Harvey
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Just started ..
going fast!
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Alphabet Cake
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Lehner's Leftovers!
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Kim, Lynn & Jenny
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what about me?
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Wanna fight?
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Hao & Jin
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My dish was
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BOYS rule
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Michelle, Scott,
Pam & Chris
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[Click to enlarge]
Harvey's looking
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Mad Cocoa
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Tethered Elliot
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Napoleon Benny
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Gentle Norabell
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Hopeful Morgan
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Now how do I ...
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pour this thing?
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Hugo, Jerry & Lynn
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Friends & Dogs
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But where's mine?
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World Peace!
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Galli's arrive
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Sandy like's it
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Chelsea's hunting
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This is ...
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one very ...
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nice gathering ...
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of BPMDS folks!
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Nice Hat!
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I... like ...this!
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Find our name
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Lynn, Erroin & Susanne
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Peter holds court
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Debbie's happy
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World Peace 2
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Special Page
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No kids .. at the moment
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Galli feeding time!
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Happily relaxed
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Amy & Selim +
Roxy & Beau
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Little Bear brings
Geoff & Jean
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Kids play ...
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Happy & safe!
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Molly's happy too
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Allegra too!
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Mira has ..
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Hershey's back
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Hi Gayle
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George ( Jake)
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Found Saturday morning